
Are You Looking for a Job?

Are you or your teenager looking for a job? Check out this public listing of job openings. More jobs (especially for teens) are shared in the West Tennessee Homeschool Support group. This page will be updated as we learn of new job positions that may interest you. If you have a job that would be a good fit for a homeschool adult or student, please e-mail [email protected].

DATE: February 9, 2024
JOB: Part-time, freelance Reviewer and Contributing Writer positions to write and/or review content for our middle school history curriculum.
COMPANY: Classical Academic Press
REQUIREMENTS: Seeking scholars with an expertise in Chinese history, especially the Ming and early Qing dynasties, and/or medieval Japanese history, culminating in the Sengoku Era and early Tokugawa dynasty.
APPLY: E-mail a cover letter and resume to [email protected].

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